jeudi 17 mars 2011

Space :)


I'm feeling so happy and energized today! The sun has finally decided to show itself after what seemed liked and endless winter. :) The snow is melting away, I heard the birds singing today.. I love spring! Boca (My cat!) was even wanting to go outside.. which he rarely does! I took this nice day to open the doors of the apartment to let the fresh air come in and clean out the old. I also felt like it was the day to clean up a bit... I took all the clothes out and replaced everything in order, putting away the big winter coats and creating some space. SPACE. Ahhh! I just feel so good when I create space around me...Seems easier to think, do and achieve things. I feel like when my surroundings are messy or cluttered, my mind is in the same state. 

Today wasn't really about sharing any recipe, but I like sharing with you guys my thoughts and hope you will too.. (you can write in comment box if you wish, or send me an email). :)

Also, I wanted to say Thanks to Fay who takes all these pictures I post on my blog! She's incredible! I want to shout out to my mom and other two sisters (chloe and Emmy), who've just gone raw in the past two weeks! I try to talk to Chloe and Emmy as much as I can to support them trough their journey :).. I know by experience that the transition is easier when you have someone to support you and that can relate to what you're living. (Fay was the person I could and still can rely on! ). My sisters and mom seem to be adapting really well to the raw vegan lifestyle. Chloe was seeing signs of detox yesterday and today when she woke up (huge headache).. 

Picture of one of my favorite snacks : Raw dehydrated bananas! Un Delice!

Much Love


4 commentaires:

  1. Audrey, you are AMAZING!!! Thank you so much for supporting me, and everything that I do. You inspire me, and so many others. Je t'aime xxxx

  2. Sister!! Je taime a la folie! Tu es sweet de parler de moi ds ton blog! :) see u sooon!!! xxxxx

  3. Allo! J'ai vu quelques vidéos que tu as mises sur Facebook et je trouve ça vraiment intéressant le régime raw. J'aimerais bien essayer et j'aimerais savoir ce qui t'as motivé et comment tu as fait pour arrêter de manger les choses que tu aimais vraiment et qui n'étaient pas raw; moi c'est le fromage... Aussi, où est-ce que tu trouves tous les ingrédients comme le cacao raw? Et à quoi ressemble le menu d'une de tes journées typiques?
    En passant j'aime beaucoup ton blog ;)

  4. Wow, tes recettes m'ont l'air vraiment délicieuses, je vais certainemment en essayer quelques-unes. J'avais déjà tenter l'expérience avec celles que tu avais publié sur youtube et le résultat était très bon ! Continues ton blog, c'est inspirant et motivant !! :)
