lundi 28 mars 2011

Salad of the day


Wish I had Fay take a pic of my salad I just ate, but since she wasn't there, I took a picture with my cellphone. Let's see how it turned out!


-Green onions
-Red Bell Peppper


-Use half of the avocado
-green onions
-Olive oil
-Appple cider vinegar

Blend everything together in vitamix...Mmmm! So good and creamy!



jeudi 24 mars 2011

Carres aux dattes, date squares!

Hey Guys!

Today I want to share a dessert recipe with you squares! They're the best, one of my favorite treats ever! So I came up with this recipe a couple of weeks ago. I've done it a couple of times and every time, it's a hit. Plus, it's super easy to do. Here is the recipe.

What You will need:   - Food Processor, or vitamix
                                  - Cake pan (pyrex), with saran wrap to cover the bottom. (It will make taking out  pieces easier.

Here are the ingredients:

Crust (bottom layer):

  • Raw Rolled Oats
  • Almonds
  • Shredded Coconut
  • Coconut oil
  • Maple Syrup
  • Agave Nectar
  • Dash of Salt
  • Pinch of cinnamon
Put all dry ingredients in food processor, or vitamix, and blend until you have a very thin ''flour''. Then, add the wet ingredients (if you do not have the three ingredients, you may only use one, or add honey instead) and blend well. You will know that the consistency is right when you squeeze some of the mixture in your hand and it sticks together (kind of like when making a snow ball). Tap the mixture into the bottom of your mold (which already has a plastic film laying inside). 


  • Pitted Dates (soaked for at least an hour)
  • Vanilla
Put your dates which have soaked in water for at least an hour, into food processor, or vitamix. Do not put water in processor. You can keep the water for smoothies or just drink it, tastes sweet! Once they are well blended, add vanilla (just a dash). As easy as that! Pour filling onto crust!

  • Shredded coconut
  • Raw rolled oats
  • Almonds
Do the same thing as you did with the topping, but don't add any sweetner. If it's too flour-like, and flies all over the place, add a little bit of either maple syrup, coconut oil.. 

I hope you guys enjoy this recipe! I just made one today, looks yummy! Bringing mine to a dinner tonight.
The one on the picture is one that Fay and Jade made last week! Thanks for the pics!

Love to all!

p.s. went running this morning...felt GREAT! Even if it was snowing and -6* outside! My body is happy. :)

mardi 22 mars 2011

Ajoutez du Vivant!

Bonjour! :)

Merci à tous de prendre le temps de me lire, et de m'écrire! 
Aujourd'hui, je réponds a Josie qui a écrit un commentaire sur mon dernier post. Elle me demande comment j'ai fais pour arrêter de manger les trucs que j'aimais beaucoup manger dans le passé. En fait, pour moi, lorsque j'ai décidé de changer mon style de vie vers l'alimentation vivante, j'avais quelqu'un avec qui le faire. Pour Fay et moi, ç'était plutôt changer pour le mieux, ça faisait du bon sens manger vivant. Biensûr, le premier mois a été plus difficile pour moi, côté ''cravings''. Nous sommes habitués de manger nos aliments cuits et qu'on le veuille ou non, nous en sommes dépendants. Pourtant, les aliments crus et vivants ont tellement plus de saveurs et de propriétés nutritives. Pour mieux répondre à ta question, une fois que ton corps reconnaît que tu le nourris d'aliments nutritifs, complets et surtout, faciles à assimiler, il ne te fait plus ressentir le besoin urgent de manger les choses dites 'cuites' dont tu le nourrissais auparavant. Je te suggèrerais de prendre ça au jour le jour. Certains humains sont capables d'y aller ''cold turkey'', changer drastiquement et couper tout du jour au lendemain. pour d'autres personnes, ce doit être graduel, il n'y a rien de mal à cela. À chacun son rythme, son évolution. Au lieu d'éliminer, il peut être bon d'ajouter. Soit ajouter un smoothie vert le matin (ce que je prends à tous les matins en me levant), une salade le diner, des fruits comme collation... Le plus on en ajoute, le moins les vieilles habitudes sont présentes. Une fois qu'on découvre l'alimentation vivante, on ne fait qu'en vouloir plus! AHH! C'est ça se sentir en VIE! 

Amusez-vous a rajoutez du Vivant dans votre assiette!
Dites-moi ce que vous observez comme changements!

Beaucoup d'amour à tous! 

Audrey xoxox

p.s. Le week-end passé, j'étais au kiosque de Crudessence à l'Expo Manger Santé! Si nourissant d'informer les gens de ce qu'est l'alimentation vivante! 
Pour celle qui m'a demandé l'endroit ou on peut se procurer les ingrédients crus, voici la boutique en ligne de crudessence:, si non, chez Avril, Rachelle Beri, Tau...

... J'ai oublié de vous mentionner que je me suis procurée un Hurom Slow Juicer a la fin des trois jours à l'expo Manger Santé!!! Je commence a faire tout pleins de jus reminéralisants et énergisants! Recettes et photos àa venir bientôt!

jeudi 17 mars 2011

Space :)


I'm feeling so happy and energized today! The sun has finally decided to show itself after what seemed liked and endless winter. :) The snow is melting away, I heard the birds singing today.. I love spring! Boca (My cat!) was even wanting to go outside.. which he rarely does! I took this nice day to open the doors of the apartment to let the fresh air come in and clean out the old. I also felt like it was the day to clean up a bit... I took all the clothes out and replaced everything in order, putting away the big winter coats and creating some space. SPACE. Ahhh! I just feel so good when I create space around me...Seems easier to think, do and achieve things. I feel like when my surroundings are messy or cluttered, my mind is in the same state. 

Today wasn't really about sharing any recipe, but I like sharing with you guys my thoughts and hope you will too.. (you can write in comment box if you wish, or send me an email). :)

Also, I wanted to say Thanks to Fay who takes all these pictures I post on my blog! She's incredible! I want to shout out to my mom and other two sisters (chloe and Emmy), who've just gone raw in the past two weeks! I try to talk to Chloe and Emmy as much as I can to support them trough their journey :).. I know by experience that the transition is easier when you have someone to support you and that can relate to what you're living. (Fay was the person I could and still can rely on! ). My sisters and mom seem to be adapting really well to the raw vegan lifestyle. Chloe was seeing signs of detox yesterday and today when she woke up (huge headache).. 

Picture of one of my favorite snacks : Raw dehydrated bananas! Un Delice!

Much Love


mercredi 16 mars 2011

Love for Chocolates!

Making raw chocolates is like creating art. I realized how easy raw chocolate bars, truffles, macaroons, fudge and all other chocolate goodies are to make. You just need the two base ingredients (which are raw cacao powder and cacao butter) to start off with, then you add whichever spices, natural sweetener (agave, maple syrup..etc) and that's it! A piece of cake! ;)

Fay (Twin sister), absolutely loves chocolate and this recipe I made for her last time she came to Montreal at my boyfriend and I's apartment. Here are the ingredients:

-Raw Cacao powder
-Raw cacao butter
-Coconut oil
-walnuts (chopped finely)
-sprouted and dehydrated buckwheat

First of all, you need to have your cacao butter melt so that it's at it's liquid state. You can put this by putting the chunks of butter in a bowl then inserting in your dehydrator for a couple of minutes or just put that bowl in another that contains warm water. (That's the quickest way to do it). 
Once the butter is liquid mix into it your cacao powder, spices and oils. Finally, once it is all one smooth mixture, add in the other ingredients.
Pour into chocolate molds, or if you don't have a mold, just take a cake pan, put a plastic film in it and pour over. 
Let sit in fridge for about 15-20 minutes for the chocolates to become solid. If there is still left after you've tasted (which would be surprising... these ones were gone in minutes!), I would suggest you leave them in fridge for conservation.

In the pictures, you will see that our chocolates could have stayed a bit longer in the fridge but Fay and I were to excited and couldn't wait any longer.. haha!

The crunchy texture from the buckwheat and walnuts was a really interesting addition. We devoured them! 

Love Always,


samedi 12 mars 2011

Creamy Corn Soup

Hey Guys!

So, this week-end, Djan (my loving boyfriend) and I headed back to the lake (his family's house) to see my twin sister and his sister and brother! I was really craving corn when I got here so I looked for signs of any and found some frozen organic corn! Yay! At first, we wanted to put some in the salad, but finally decided we'd try to make a soup in the Vita-mix. Suprisingly, we thought it came out super tasty!

Here are the ingredients we put together:

(Didn't really measure our portions, follow your intuition.)

-olive oil
-yellow bell pepper
-fresh chives
-Fresh green onions
-salt and cayenne pepper

Much LOVE!

