lundi 22 août 2011
vendredi 8 avril 2011
Party Dip and chips!
This dish is easy as 1-2-3 to put together, looks great, and tastes awesome! For a potluck, it's fun and a people-pleaser. Once I brought it home, everyone dug into it.. It was gone within minutes. :)
So, the dip was guacamole, with flax crackers and beet chips on the side.
Party Chips and Dip
- 3 avocados
- green onions
- garlic
- red bell pepper, chopped into small cubes
- salt
- cayenne
- cilantro
- lemon
Flax Crackers:
- Red bell peppers
- Tomatoes
- Flax
- water
- cayenne
- Herbes de Provence
Blend all of ingredients together. Dehydrate at 95'.
Beet chips:
- Beets (sliced with mandoline, or Caibao http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiprDIoHBAg)
- salt
- apple cider vinegar
All is Love, Love is All
Here's a poem I wrote a couple of months back. I felt like sharing it with you. LOVE always xoxo
All is Love
Sometimes all it takes is curiousness
To lead to a simple glimpse within
Which triggers so many questions
We have so long ignored the existence
Once our true eyes open in awe
Life seems to have so many dimensions
One-self so immense, I never saw
The true magnitude of my own light
All is love, Love is all
So simple, yet,
Our sight obscured by a wall
Only we can let it fall
Love is all, All is love
Control can’t stay force forever
Natural state will shine as ever
Consciousness is what all is,
Has been and ever will be
Follow your intuition
And truly you will have lived
Forget yesterday as it’s gone
Live in the now because that’s all that is certain
If you get curious enough to look within
Much light and knowing will emerge
Let’s all join the club of happiness
And we shall all form oneness
mercredi 6 avril 2011
Cinnamon rolls
Hello People!
Ok, this recipe was an experiment, and it turned out being quite good! My mom really liked these, although she thought they were a bit too sweet. I looked up raw cinnamon rolls on the internet and found a couple recipes, but adjusted and changed it so it would fit me, my taste. :)
Here are the ingredients:
- Dates (soaked and then blended into a paste)
- Vanilla
- Coconut oil
- Cacao Butter
- Agave Nectar
- Pecans (pecan meal, meaning that it resembles flour.)
- Flax Meal
- Cinnamon
- Cayenne pepper
- Dash of salt
Blend coconut oil, cacao butter, agave nectar and dates with vanilla in food processor. If the dates haven't soaked, add water. Set aside this mixture. Then take all the dry ingredients and mix together. Add the wet mixture to the dry one. Mix well. Spread the 'crust' on a parchemin paper, into a 1/4 inch thick square.
- Dates (paste)
- Raisins
- Cinnamon
Mix all together. Spread equally onto the sheet. I also added a very finely chopped gala apple, which was really good. :)
Once everything is spread on the first layer, roll it into a cinnamon bun. Refrigerate for at least ten minutes, so it will be easier to cut through.
p.s. Went to my mom's Insane boot camp last night and let me tell you that I feel it! I've been having a hard time just sitting.. The ''dog'' really hurt. :p
lundi 4 avril 2011
Respirer : Une source d’énergie vitale
Respirer : Une source d’énergie vitale
Nous vivons dans une société là où le stress est inévitable. Tout tourne a un rythme accéléré, créant un environnent de stress et d’anxiété, chez chaque individu. Que ce soit le stress qu’on impose sur nous-mêmes, le stress au travail, l’heure de pointe, les attentes qu’on a de nous…On ne s’en échappe pas. Nous sommes conscients de l’inconfort que le stress nous apporte et c’est pour ça qu’on se promet de se remettre en forme, de prendre un congé, d’essayer la nouvelle diète de l’heure, mais rarement prenons nous le temps de simplement s’arrêter et de respirer. Pourtant, l’air est une source vitale d’énergie.
L’oxygène est sans doute ce qui nous nourrit le plus. En tant qu’être humain, nous avons la capacité de survivre sans manger pendant environ 40 jours et nous pouvons s’abstenir de boire pendant une période de 10 jours (dépendamment des conditions). Pourtant, on ne peut vivre sans oxygène. Si vous cessez de respirer pendant plus de cinq minutes, vous êtes mort. Nous avons une capacité pulmonaire de 5 litres, mais en général, on rempli que 500ml de nos poumons. Certains disent qu’on utilise que 10% de notre cerveau et que cela est peut-être lié au fait qu’on ne lui fournit pas suffisamment d’oxygène.
Nous effectuons en moyenne 15000 respirations par jour, et ce, sans même en être conscient. Respirer c’est une action que notre corps se charge d’effectuer sans nous demander d’effort. Cela se nomme une fonction végétative. Si vous prenez le temps de respirer consciemment, vous verrez une détente du corps et un gain d’énergie immédiat. Prenez le temps de prendre trois grands respires…Vous sentez la différence? Notre corps nous remercie et nous le fait sentir en relâchant nos tensions, en rendant nos idées plus claires et nous revitalise.
Pour vous aider à connaître les bases faciles de la respiration, voici un outil crée par Bénédicte Flieller, sophrologue et psychologue clinicienne.
Le modèle R.E.S.P.I.R
· R comme Respiration consciente, le plus souvent possible, dans toutes situations debout dans une file d’attente ou assis à votre table de travail.
· E comme Énergie, avec la lumière et la nourriture, rappelez-vous que l’air est une source essentielle d’énergie.
· S comme Soufflez avec deux F, l’expiration devant être deux fois plus longue que l’inspiration.
· P comme Persévérez, plus vous pratiquerez et plus vous récolterez les bienfaits d’une bonne respiration
· I comme Inspiration en se souvenant de bien gonfler la paroi abdominale
· R comme Respiration égale Relaxation
Une chose est certaine, la respiration est un moyen de relâcher le stress, qui est accessible à tous. Tout ce que ça demande, c’est de prendre le temps. Prenons le temps. Respirons.
lundi 28 mars 2011
Salad of the day
Wish I had Fay take a pic of my salad I just ate, but since she wasn't there, I took a picture with my cellphone. Let's see how it turned out!
-Green onions
-Red Bell Peppper
-Use half of the avocado
-green onions
-Olive oil
-Appple cider vinegar
Blend everything together in vitamix...Mmmm! So good and creamy!
jeudi 24 mars 2011
Carres aux dattes, date squares!
Hey Guys!
Today I want to share a dessert recipe with you guys...date squares! They're the best, one of my favorite treats ever! So I came up with this recipe a couple of weeks ago. I've done it a couple of times and every time, it's a hit. Plus, it's super easy to do. Here is the recipe.
What You will need: - Food Processor, or vitamix
- Cake pan (pyrex), with saran wrap to cover the bottom. (It will make taking out pieces easier.
Here are the ingredients:
Crust (bottom layer):
- Raw Rolled Oats
- Almonds
- Shredded Coconut
- Coconut oil
- Maple Syrup
- Agave Nectar
- Dash of Salt
- Pinch of cinnamon
Put all dry ingredients in food processor, or vitamix, and blend until you have a very thin ''flour''. Then, add the wet ingredients (if you do not have the three ingredients, you may only use one, or add honey instead) and blend well. You will know that the consistency is right when you squeeze some of the mixture in your hand and it sticks together (kind of like when making a snow ball). Tap the mixture into the bottom of your mold (which already has a plastic film laying inside).
- Pitted Dates (soaked for at least an hour)
- Vanilla
Put your dates which have soaked in water for at least an hour, into food processor, or vitamix. Do not put water in processor. You can keep the water for smoothies or just drink it, tastes sweet! Once they are well blended, add vanilla (just a dash). As easy as that! Pour filling onto crust!
- Shredded coconut
- Raw rolled oats
- Almonds
Do the same thing as you did with the topping, but don't add any sweetner. If it's too flour-like, and flies all over the place, add a little bit of either maple syrup, coconut oil..
I hope you guys enjoy this recipe! I just made one today, looks yummy! Bringing mine to a dinner tonight.
The one on the picture is one that Fay and Jade made last week! Thanks for the pics!
Love to all!
p.s. went running this morning...felt GREAT! Even if it was snowing and -6* outside! My body is happy. :)
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